WELCOME TO PFM-FAMILY!!! (Pentecostal Fire & Miracle Ministry)

WELCOME TO PFM-FAMILY!!! (Pentecostal Fire & Miracle Ministry)


Destiny determines the route you take in life. We are highly pleased having you visit our site. It is not a coincidence, but a response to a divine arrangement set at actualizing destiny!

As God carefully crafted, skillfully shaped and breathed into you from the foundation of the world (Jer:1:5,Rom:8:29-30). He patiently and tenderly watched you through conception and covered you in the womb. He set you apart from your mother’s womb, and predestined (pre -arranged) a certain path for you to step into this life.

At PFM-FAMILY, we hold dearly to the ability of God being expressed through us as a Family. The words that explain what we believe are GRACE AND OBEDIENCE TO GOD. Attracting empowerment of God upon the spirit of man, that equips him to fulfill God’s purpose for his life both on earth and in Heaven to come.

The PFM-FAMILY has witnessed an amazing unfolding of God’s grace, which has become a distinctive mark for the church as a family.

The PFM-FAMILY is structured to systematically take you from any position or level you are in life through GRACE and OBEDIENCE to bring you to your place of Breakthrough, Manifestation and Fulfillment in Life with Christ Jesus. We achieve this by the means of Prompt teaching and Application of Our CORE VALUES and seven level training programs, namely:-


  1. ABSOLUTE HOLINESS. Hebrews 12:14
  2. PROMPT TITHING. Malachi 3:10
  3. QUALITY SEED SOWING. 2 Corinthians 9: 6-7, Proverbs 11: 24-26

Seven level training programs:

  1. Foundation Class,
  2. Baptismal/Membership Class
  3. Workers in Training Program,
  4. Applied Core Values Class,
  5. Anointed Leaders &Breakthroughs School.
  6. The Ministerial School of Learning.
  7. School of Parish& Ministry

We celebrate you. In case you are new here, please have the liberty to explore the links and you will be glad you did.

Remain Blessed.

Tony& Joy Okechukwu

Pastorate  (PFM-FAMILY w/w)

Who We Are!

PFM-FAMILY, is a Bible-Believing, Christ-Centred, Obedience Focused, Spirit-Filled, Faith Displaying, Kingdom-Minded, Global Vision and Mission-Sending Ministry that is characterized with The Word, Divine Prophecy, Praise and Worship, Fervent Prayers, Passion for Souls, Discipling Nations, Visionary Leadership, Breakthrough and Prosperity Minded, Sacrificial Giving and Commitment in Fulfilling The Great Commission…

Our Motto:

Home of Breakthroughs


What We Do!

Discipling Visionary Leadership, Growing Victorious Spiritual Militants through Fervent Prayers and Absolute Holiness, Grooming Sacrificial/Crazy Giving Attitude (in Prompt Tithing and Seed Sowing) and Commitment in Fulfilling the Great Commission. At PFM-FAMILY Winning Souls is our Major aim and ensuring that the Gospel of Jesus Christ spreads all over the World…

…Truly God Is Here!Gen:28:16b…Jesus is Lord!


Our Vision:

To Raise Victorious Leaders on earth

that shall Fulfill Purpose

and bring Men back to God at the End of the Race!


Purpose of the Vision:

  • To bring back the TRUTH in GOD’S WORD which is Centred in OBEDIENCE and Teachingsame among Men, Matt: 5: 19, Acts:1:1c
  • To Raise Leaders into Breakthroughs on Earth and Heaven to come.
  • Making them Triumphant on earth (End time Warriors)” Isa. 1:19, Mal. 3:7-8, I Sam 15:22b,4:1, Zech. 1:3, Heb 11:8, Isa 54:14a.



To Liberate Mankind in all facets of Human existence; by Discovering and Recovering their God given Destinies, providing Breakthroughs to the Oppressed, Proclaiming liberty to the captives and Healing to them that are bruised by the Power and Fire of the Holy Ghost, setting them at Liberty to Leadership and Victory! Lk: 4:18, Is: 61:1-2



  • The Impact of Obedience in Christ Jesus to God among men.
  • The Impact of Holiness to Godin Earthly and Eternal Blessings.
  • The Impact of Prompt Tithing & Offerings to God in Breakthroughs.
  • The Impact of Quality Seed to God in Harvest.
  • The Impact of God’s Word to Spiritual Growth.
  • The Impact of Fervent Prayers to God.
  • The Impact of Heart overflowing Praise & Worship to God

 At PFM-FAMILY:Evangelism is aGreat Task,Prosperity is an Inheritance inPrinciples andHeaven is Our Goal!

  • Evangelism is a task,: Evangelism is the act of sharing the good news of what Jesus has done with people who need to hear it. Jesus gave us the command in Mark 16:15-16. For this reason, evangelism is an urgent priority for us at PFM-FAMILY. 11:30, Dan. 12:3, Isa. 53:11.
  • Prosperity is an Inheritance in Principles: Prosperity is God’s will for His people (Luke 6:38, Prov. 11:24-26, Mark 4:24-25) . However, not everyone will experience the fullness of God’s prosperity. To receive the benefit of God’s provision, we have to abide by the principles that guide prosperity. At PFM-FAMILY these principles are captured in our core values
  • Heaven is Our Goal: At PFM-FAMILY, we remain focused on heaven as our final goal and out of that steadfast belief; we make holiness to God our core value. Rev 22:3-5, Heb. 9:27-28, Phil. 3:14, I Cor. 2:9.


Mission: mission is an important task that people are given to do. If someone has a mission, it means that they have a strong commitment and sense of duty to do or achieve something.

Goal: goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envisions, plans and commits to achieve.

Objectives: A specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources. In general, objectives are more specific and easier to measure than goals.

Our Mission

  1. To build one big HAPPY-FAMILY church Acts 2:46
  2. To eliminate end time poverty through the teaching and prompt application of the Kingdom prosperity principles. Prov. 9:9, 11:24, 2 Cor. 9:6-7, John 8:32.
  3. To create a forum that will enable sinners to turn to repentance.
  4. To grow for God the end-time Earthly Champions and Heavenly Victors through the use of the 3 keys-Holiness, Prompt Tithing and Quality Seed Sowing, which are Kingdom all round breakthrough principles.
  5. To prepare a church that will be ready for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  6. To display the Apostolic Signs, Wonders and Miracles by the Power and Fire of the Holy Ghost. Mark 16:20, Acts 2:3.
  7. To ensure a structure that promotes Holy Living within and outside the body, through prompt obedience and establishing same structure globally. Heb 11:8, Isa 54:14a, Mark 16:15

Our Goals

  1. To raise One Big Global-Family Church; Established in Righteousness, Truth, Obedience, Integrity, Purpose, Excellence, Power and Passion for Jesus with addiction for Soul-Winning and God’s Kingdom.
  2. To establish a new Family of believers that will carry forward the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
  3. To glorify God by making fruitful disciples who reverence and exalt God, edify other believers, evangelize their primary domain of influence and extend disciple-making to all the world as the Lord of harvest enables them.
  4. To build and raise genuine born again Christians who will be committed to holy living
  5. To build a Bible-based, Christ-centred and grace-filled Church where people will fully devote themselves to following Jesus Christ.
  6. To raise Godly leaders who will be fully committed to God and His Work
  7. To prepare people who are heavenly minded and ready for the second coming of Christ which can only be achieved by holiness.

Our Objectives

  1. To raise a Spirit-filled and Word-based people that will offer true quality worship unto God in celebration of their Salvation and redemption (Psalms 95:1-7), 100:1-5, John 4:23-24, Revelation 5:9-14, Acts 1:14, 2:42).
  2. To feed God’s people with sound instruction in the word of God and strong demonstration by the Spirit of God to a knowledgeable, understandable and practicable lifestyle. These biblical principles are achieved through a systematic and expository in-depth scriptural searching (Acts 20:28, Proverbs 27:23, Romans 1:11, Proverbs 25:2)
  3. To promote and propel love, unity and peace through caring, sharing, giving and visitation fellowships with one another as one Great Family of God (Acts 2:41-47, Psalms 133, Ephesians 4:1-6, Hebrews 10:23-25).
  4. To mobilize God people with a burning desire for the lost through an aggressive and reconciling strategies for both personal and mass soul-winning Evangelism and Mission outreaches (Matthew 28:19-20, 24:14; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 14:23).
  5. To raise an orderly, decently and disciplined people with the Heart of Service in nurturing the Body of Christ and for leadership services. This is made possible by the Spirit inspired, Word instructions through teaching, training and transformation and impartation. (Luke 2:46, Acts 4:4, 6:4, 2:44; Rom. 1:11-12).
  6. Provide effective Christian education to equip members of our congregation to live out their faith and to be able to articulate it clearly (Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Proverbs 22:6; Matthew 28:20).
  7. To raise a people who will be physically and spiritually prosperous through obedience to God’s commandment and active participation in the Kingdom prosperity principles. (KPP)

Our Responsibilities

  1. To unite, pray, give and demonstrate responsibility for the fulfillment and successful implementation of the Vision.
  2. To render Honour, Respect and Support those who have rule over us both within and Outside the PFM-FAMILY Globally.Heb:13:17
  3. To be Productive, Progressive, Upward, Forward and Relevant in our Attitude and Thoughts, always striving for Excellence, maintaining focus and refusing to settle for less than the best!
  4. To make the Christ of the Bible, the Christ of reality and experience, by building a solid devotional and faith lifestyle, whereby we partake of the Blessings and benefits of salvation among the Family
  5. To establish High Ethical and Moral Standards, where Integrity, Truth Discipline and Accountability become watchwords leaving no one in doubt that it is possible to win by righteousness and Prompt Obedience to God.
  6. Know and teach the gospel, and what the gospel requires in the church’s and a Christian’s life so as to protect and preserve the gospel in the church and our local environment.
  7. To demonstrate the love of Christ by giving practical spiritual and physical help to others which will be prevalent within this family, extended to our environment and showcased to the world.

IN ADDITION: – Members,

  • Who shall know God’s Word and Unconditionally Obedient to His Spirit
  • Who shall Obey, Belong, Believe, and Become their God given purpose
  • That shall serve God continually in Holiness, Obedience and Righteousness
  • That shall live a God-centred life characterized by self denial
  • Who shall be Obedient leaders that shall grow in obedience to God
  • Who shall grow to be leader of leaders
  • That shall be Discipling disciples

What to expect at PFM-FAMILY:-

  • You will encounter God’s presence.
  • You will know and pursue God’s purpose for your life.
  • You will understand the value of your life in Christ by obeying God.
  • You will be equipped to use the power of God for everyday living
  • You will become a model vessel worthy of his use

Senior Pastor

Tony Okechukwu is the founder and Senior Pastor of PFM-FAMILY. He is a dynamic teacher of the Word of Grace, with a strong pastoral thrust and the miraculous. He is the author of the best-seller, The Scar of Sin. Through his ministry, many have experienced Victory, Breakthrough and Freedom in life and have discovered God’s purpose for their lives that every believer is to prosper on earth and make the kingdom at last.

Pastor Tony is known for his practical and simple approach to teaching the word of Grace for everyday living. And with zero tolerance for Sin and Poverty, he encourages everyone to pursue a personal relationship with God with an excellent mindset. He is married to Prophetess Joy. They are blessed with two children Divine and Favour, and they currently reside in Lagos Nigeria.

Prophetess Joy,

She is a renowned Prophetess of God, a humble vessel of honour. She epitomizes the love and compassion of God in her relationship with other people. She steers the wheel of the ministry in the PFM-FAMILY as a co-pastor with her husband Pastor Tony Okechukwu, both are televangelist.

With the heart of building a formidable family life, Joy oversees with her husband; “The Dominion Team”– the Children Ministry of the church and the Nurturers (The Virtuous Women) of the future – the Women Ministry of the PFM-FAMILY. As a seasoned counselor who takes delight in polishing the unmarried men and women for the marital phase, she anchors with her husband the Divine Couple’s program –a pre-marital counseling session.

Amidst all her notable achievements, Joy considers supporting her husband in the ministry, and raising godly children and giving ears to hearing from God which is her primary purpose and calling. As a mother of two, she firmly believes the best way to raise successful children is to be an active role model by demonstrating the love of God.

 Meet Our Team:-

  • The Prison Ministry Group

This department is a part of the outreach arm of our church, equipped to cater for spiritual and physical needs of the prison inmates. We are constantly praying for the inmates to experience the following: salvation, parole, state pardon, better welfare etc.

The prison ministry department meets every Saturday, 4:30pm.

  • Jesus Traffic Ushers

An atmosphere of peace enhances sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. our duty as traffic ushers is to make every member and visitor feel welcomed and valued when they enter the PFM-FAMILY worship centre to maintain an environment free from interruptions, fears and worries so that members and visitors can feel safe and secure while they worship God.

We serve and tend to the needs of visitors and members of the church through the security and safety of their vehicles.

With a warming heart, we usher and direct those who come to worship and serve with spiritual dignity throughout the service. While creating and maintaining orderly and spiritual atmosphere, traffic ushers will assist the Pastor in striving to let the love of Christ be seen in our actions and deeds.

Traffic Ushers meet on 4pm on Saturdays

  • Friends in Christ and Follow-up Group:-

The follow up unit of OurChurch has been mandated with the privilege of integrating new members into the family through the teaching of God’s Word in the Foundation Class. The Foundation Class comprises 8 lessons held over a couple of weeks. Lessons include: Obedience, Prayer, Righteousness, Authority of the Believer, Living by the Word etc. Completing the Foundation Class is a prerequisite to becoming a full-fledged member as well as joining a unit of the church. We also undertake water baptism by immersion and lead people into experiencing the Holy Ghost Baptism.

We are on hand during weekly meetings to assist with the ministration lines and offer biblical counsel after service and welcome first timers (Our Friends in Christ) on behalf of the Pastor after every service.The department consists of Holy Ghost filled men and women who live what they teach and we welcome as many as would love to join our team.The counseling team meets every Saturday 4pm.

  • Streams of Grace Group:-

The Streams of Grace is dedicated to fulfilling the God given vision of the Church by providing an enabling atmosphere for the manifested presence of God through praise and worship, hymns and special song ministrations.

Our members are people who are passionate about supporting, sustaining and comforting the church by ministering grace to its hearers regardless of their status or previous beliefs.

We are committed to individual as well as team growth and improvement. We encourage our members to maintain personal walks with God constantly manifesting and calling down His presence

We meet:

Tuesday       5pm – 7:30pm

Saturday     2pm – 5:30pm

Our Heralds Group:-

PFM-FAMILY Heralds are an extension of Our Church’s hospitality. We represent the Pastor working along with the Protocols and the family in a Public Relations Officer role of ensuring that visitors as well as members feel welcome. It is also our responsibility to maintain order and direct movement during the service in addition to receiving the offering at every meeting.

We believe that we are the first expression of the vision of the church to first timers. We desire to be a blessing to every person who comes in contact with this vision and as such maintain excellent conduct, decency and a pleasant attitude at all times.

Members are encouraged to order their lives after Christ’s and conduct themselves in a way that glorify God.

Our Heralds meet 12pm each Sunday.

  • Our Technical Team

The Technical Unit supports the vision of the PFM-FAMILY through the rendering of quality sound production and caring for the equipment. They also work in conjunction with the Media Unit to produce good quality audio CDs, DVD…

The Technical Unit helps enhance church meetings by ensuring that the church auditorium is properly powered.  We set up the sound system prior to church meetings and monitor sound output during every meeting.

Our members receive ongoing training on becoming more proficient at sound engineering. We challenge our members to become sound in every area of their lives so that they are balanced and well-adjusted examples of the believer wherever they go.

The technical team meets on Saturdays at 3:00pm

  • Vineyard Keepers Group:-

The Vineyard Keepers keep the church sanctuary and its environs clean and conducive at all times. The adage that cleanliness is next to godliness holds through for us and we ensure that our environment leaves a favourable impression with visitors as well as members.

In addition to making certain our sanctuary is spick and span, members work on keeping their relationships with God untainted with sin and distractions through regular fellowship, prayer, word study and enforcing the Will of God in their lives.

They meet every Saturday at 6:30am

  • Our Host and Hostesses Group:-

The Host and Hostesses of the PFM-FAMILY exist to provide a warm and excellent reception to all first time guests to the church.

We create an enabling environment to promote and inspire confidence in the vision and values of the PFM-FAMILY.

We serve as the information hub of the church to all first time guests. As the first line of contact to all guests after each service, we deliver relevant information and answer to questions about the PFM-FAMILY.

The Host and Hostesses meet 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month by 5pm.

  • Our Follow up Team

The follow up team has the mandate of identify church members that are absent over a period of time. Connect with them and assist them to overcome their challenges. We also identify visitors and regular church attendees who have interest in becoming actual members of church and encourage them to enroll for the Foundation Class.

We are also responsible for ensuring that all those who have completed their Foundation class, are properly integrated into a working group in church.

The department comprises men and women whose hearts are yearning for the restoration of lost souls, to God.

The follow-up team meets Sunday 12pm

  • Our Protocol Team:-

The Protocol team is an arm of PFM-FAMILY serving the pastor in fulfilling the God given vision of the church. We function as an ad hoc unit i.e. we can be called to help out in any other unit at any time.

We anticipate the pastor’s needs and assist him in all his activities and ensuring they are properly and successfully executed. We are also charged with keeping him duly informed and bringing to his attention, matters of concern.

We support the pastor and make the advancement of his goals our main focus. Our assignment demands our faith, skills, knowledge, money and physical strength as we work to ensure that the pastor always operates at his optimal capacity.

Our emphasis for members is dedicated service. We ensure that we align our lives with Christ’s at all times so we are in a position to be a blessing to the vision of the church.
Our meeting days are:

Saturday 6.00pm

  • Our Visiting and Care Group:-

Visiting, is a key to integrating new members into the Church as family of Christ and makes a lot of difference in witnessing and soul winning. As the Church’s visitation team, it’s our responsibility to be passionate about getting people fully persuaded, grounded and rooted in the faith.

We extend PFM-FAMILY’s hospitality beyond the church auditorium and spend time getting to know new members better in an atmosphere other than church gatherings. And in the process build trust and confidence whilst influencing them towards becoming Disciples of Christ. Members are encouraged to be true followers of Christ in obedience; who are committed to consistent growth in their walk with God.

Our meeting time is: Sunday 12pm

  • The Dominion Team:-

This is arm of PFM-FAMILY that ministers specially to children. God has entrusted to our care, young seeds that will become great oaks and mighty instruments to affect their generation for God.

Through the help of the Holy Spirit, we teach the children Our Values, Vision and Mission…; God’s plan of salvation and new creation realities in ways they can understand. We teach them through songs, plays, video, and lessons specially crafted to meet their developmental needs. The foundation of all our lessons is the Word of God.

The Dominion Team are men and women who share a passionate love for children, and an intense desire to see that children grow up powerfully equipped togood future Leadership positions in all facets of life and helping them live a victorious life in Christ.  We live by example and work to apply all we teach to our own lives.

The Dominion Team meets every Saturday at 5:00pm

  • Media Department Group:-

The Media Team is charged with the responsibility of making sure that all church programs and meetings are documented and preserved for posterity. We make this possible through audio and video recording of messages and events, projection of announcements, songs, bible texts , message excerpts, testimonies, transcribing messages, editing and distribution of CDs and DVDs as well as digital photography.

Members are committed to preserving and transmitting information with professionalism and accuracy.

Members believe that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and place a lot of emphasis on renewing the mind by practicing selective hearing along with a great deal of meditation.

The media team meets every Saturday at 3:00pm

  • Our Joshua Team:-

Our Joshua Team is the prayer unit of the PFM-FAMILY. Member’s main objective is to support the Pastors and the church in prayers.

Our members are actively involved in ensuring that all church programs are executed successfully and are schooled in the vision and core values of the PFM-FAMILY.

As individuals, members are encouraged to leave a life of studying and confessing the word, praying, and worshiping God as well as attend all church programs, meetings and Joshua Team meetings.

Tony & Joy Okechukwu

(Founding Pastors. PFM-FAMILY )

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